
[fb_vid id=”427426954479598″]SPIRAL LINE (SPL)

We’ve teamed up with “Anatomy Trains” @anatomytrainsofficial and created a 3D visual of the SPL

The Spiral Line (SPL) loops around the body in a double helix, joining each side of the skull across the upper back to the opposite shoulder, and then around the ribs to cross in the front at the level of the navel to the same hip.

From the hip, the Spiral Line passes like a 'jump rope’ along the anterolateral thigh and shin to the medial longitudinal arch, passing under the foot and running up the back and outside of the leg to the ischium and across the midline to the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament, and from there to the erectors, so that we end up on the opposite side of the skull from where we started.

This line stabilizes the body in all planes through its double enclosing loop. It connects the foot with the pelvis and is important in the regulation of the knee position when we walk.

Want to see more?
Login to the Strength app on all devices, go to Theory chapter and search for “Anatomy Trains”

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