
Next in this quote series here is one from Laurens van der Post
“Man’s awareness since the Reformation has been so narrowed that it has become almost entirely a rational process associated with the outside, the so-called physical, objective world. The invisible realities are no longer real. This narrowed awareness rejects all sorts of things that make up the totality of the human spirit: intuition, instincts and feelings….”
The medium of touch gives us direct access to these 'invisible realities’, unfathomable to our rational mind



Next in this quote series here is one from Laurens van der Post
“Man’s awareness since the Reformation has been so narrowed that it has become almost entirely a rational process associated with the outside, the so-called physical, objective world. The invisible realities are no longer real. This narrowed awareness rejects all sorts of things that make up the totality of the human spirit: intuition, instincts and feelings….”
The medium of touch gives us direct access to these 'invisible realities’, unfathomable to our rational mind

