
What is Cranio-Sacral Therapy?
The cranial concept originates with the work of William Sutherland, who first identified the rhythmic motion of the cranio-sacral system and who devoted his life to developing a deeper understanding of the forces that govern our lives and our health.

When we rest our hands very lightly on the body and engage on a subtle level, we can feel rhythmic motion being expressed throughout the body, as if the whole body were gently breathing – not just the usual breathing of the lungs, but a more gentle, subtle, rhythmic motion.

The body is a coherent living matrix (Oschman – Energy Medicine – the scientific explanation 2000) guided by biodynamic forces. The natural world is guided by forces and rhythms which surround us and permeate us. The rhythmic motion which we feel in the body is a reflection of a natural force (described by Sutherland as the Breath of Life) which is present throughout nature and which perfuses all living things. It is an indication of our aliveness and a reflection of our vitality. The presence of this rhythmic motion has been clearly demonstrated on film (Seifriz 1954).

Everything that happens to us – every injury, every illness, every tension, every trauma – influences this underlying vitality and its rhythmic motion, creating disturbances to its fluent expression.

When a Cranio-Sacral Therapist tunes in on a very subtle level, he or she can engage with these inherent forces, facilitating an interaction between the disturbed forces within the body and the integrative forces in the surrounding matrix. This interaction enables the patient’s system to respond to the therapist’s gentle contact through the Inherent Treatment Process (the body’s natural potential for healing) addressing and resolving any disturbances and resistances to the natural flow of health, thereby re-establishing a more settled, balanced, integrated state where the underlying vitality which maintains our health can be expressed freely, and where the body-mind can consequently function more smoothly and fluently on all levels.
