Within quantum physics it is now well established that there is a universal field (Higgs 1964) within which everything exists and interacts – every galaxy, star, planet, solid object, living being, molecule, atom, subatomic particle – guided by the electro-magnetic and other fundamental forces which underlie all interactions throughout the universe.

In cranio-sacral integration, we also recognise a universal field, a unifying matrix within which life on earth has come into being, and each one of us exists as an individual matrix within this wider matrix. Just as in the oceans, sea creatures exist as individual creatures within the oceanic matrix, so we, as human beings, exist as individuals within the universal energetic matrix that surrounds us. We are formed embryologically, developed, maintained and sustained by the biodynamic forces within that field, and every cell, atom, and subatomic particle within our body is an integral part of that wider field.

#universalmatrix #energy #craniosacraltherapy

Within quantum physics it is now well established that there is a universal field (Higgs 1964) within which everything exists and interacts – every galaxy, star, planet, solid object, living being, molecule, atom, subatomic particle – guided by the electro-magnetic and other fundamental forces which underlie all interactions throughout the universe.

In cranio-sacral integration, we also recognise a universal field, a unifying matrix within which life on earth has come into being, and each one of us exists as an individual matrix within this wider matrix. Just as in the oceans, sea creatures exist as individual creatures within the oceanic matrix, so we, as human beings, exist as individuals within the universal energetic matrix that surrounds us. We are formed embryologically, developed, maintained and sustained by the biodynamic forces within that field, and every cell, atom, and subatomic particle within our body is an integral part of that wider field.

#universalmatrix #energy #craniosacraltherapy
